Zoetrope: All Story

Recent publication adventures took me into the land of Zoetrope: All Story.
This publication is an interesting mix of visual art and short story writing. The name zoetrope comes from the 20th century cylindrical toy that spins creating the impression of a moving image.
Zoetrope is published by Francis Ford Coppola and based in San Francisco. Each issue has a different guest editor who oversees the visual work, this issue was directed by photographer, Richard Misrach.
This issue consisted of desolate images of abandoned sites from across the US. The images were quite haunting but had moments of being charming and witty. Written works shared worlds of political unrest, discovery of untold pasts and mental illness. The passage of time being a common thread that ran through all of the work including the images.
Zoetrope: All Story was a great little adventure outside of my usual design and lifestyle reads. I'd definitely recommend stepping into their world of story telling.
All images are my own.