


Perdiz is this month's independent magazine from Stack. This Barcelona based publication is dedicated to sharing stories of happiness. Some are more quirky such as the love for a deep fryer and all things deep fried and then other things that are a bit crazy, like marathons in the wilderness that seem more like torture rather than an adrenaline rush. 

Things that make me happy about Perdiz are the stitch binding and the use of various mediums such a photo essays, interviews and cartoons. Certain articles are printed on gloss paper as opposed to the matte pages that make up the majority of the publication. The whole ensemble is a fantastic publication right from first glance. 

Perdiz expresses how happiness can be achieved in so many ways for various people. So those days where you worry that you don't have enough money, that your car is a piece of junk or that you've gained a few pounds over the winter try to focus on things that make you happy, whatever that may be. 

All images are my own. 



Zelma Rose

Zelma Rose