I love it when a great design becomes so much more than I anticipated, NEMI did just that! What originally caught my eye was the fantastic design of the packaging for their tea. I love the bold typemark paired with the vibrant colours and the slick cylindrical container. The design is simple, sophisticated and fun!
And then it just got better! When I started to read about NEMI for this post I discovered not only a great design but also a great company. NEMI believes in supporting UK’s refugees, who statistically have a worse chance of employment here than the national average.
NEMI employs refugees within the company for jobs in marketing, packaging and many more. They also provide jobs in sales where refugees can attend markets selling NEMI which gives them income, a chance to work on their English and other skills that will help them enter the UK job market. Above all it gives them confidence and a chance, a chance to thrive.
NEMI teas themselves are fair-trade which means so many people benefit from the sale of this fantastic product.
On top of that! NEMI teas come as loose teas and in tea bags. The tea bags are made of soilon which is completely biodegradable and the packaging is made of Natureflex which is biodegradable and compostable.
So NEMI teas are truly fantastic, from start to finish. I love that this company exists and is out there bringing positive change to so many people.
All images courtesy of the NEMI Instagram account.