


I have been wanting to read an issue of Anxy magazine for ages, so when I finally got my hands on an issue I was so pleased.

Yes, Anxy is a magazine about anxiety but its pages are not filled with ‘stay calm and carry on messages’. While that phrase is true to some extent, Anxy goes beyond the band-aid fixes and has actually created a space for people to share their experiences with anxiety. Through short stories, photography and art, contributors share their lives with anxiety or their interactions with others who live with anxiety.

What I love most about the existence of this publication is that it has created a space to have conversations about anxiety. Anxy helps people see that anyone can have anxiety and that it can have so many forms. As someone who lives with anxiety knowing that there are people out there that have just as real a struggle as I do is so incredible and so important.

A lot of working through anxiety is being able to talk about it and to share. Anxy has created that space and I’m so glad it’s there, for me and for anyone who needs it.

All images are my own.



