Freddie Grubb

With the recent events of COVID-19 and the gradual return to ‘normal’ - whatever that is. There is definitely an increase in the need for bicycles for getting around in cities.
Here in London, even before COVID, the average speed of cycles was higher than cars. So there’s definitely validity in the argument for bikes being a better option for getting around.
Many people think that bikes either need to be full on carbon fibre, clicky shoes and spandex or fold up mini bikes that always make me hum the circus tune in my head. But bikes can be gorgeous forms of commuting. Freddie Grubb bikes come in a variety of frames and handle bars with varying speeds and the most fantastic array of colours. These bikes are beautiful. So as we return to work and whatever the new ‘normal’ is, get on a bike and make it beautiful one!
All images courtesy of the Freddie Grubb Instagram account.