
Basim Magdy

Basim Magdy

I volunteer at Arnolfini gallery here in Bristol which has been such a fantastic chance to meet people and for exposure to Bristol's art scene. The current show is from artist Basim Magdy.  Magdy works with themes of hope, destruction and reconstruction in his work but in a somewhat cynical and macabre way.  

The interesting part of volunteering at a gallery as an attendant is the amount of time you get to be with art. It's quite a privilege and experience to be able to be around the work for four hours at least once a week. I have spent quite a bit of time with one certain piece which I felt was a bit overlooked in the show. I wrote a small review about the piece which was posted on Arnolfini's blog. 

My article can be found here:

Basim Magdy posts all of his video pieces on his website.

All images are my own. 

Tony Chestnut

Tony Chestnut

The Citizenry

The Citizenry