


RUG SOLID is another studio doing such amazing things I could just burst. 

All designs from RUG SOLID are made from recycled or natural materials. Of course the first things that spring to mind are cotton, wool and jute but then add to that material list, denim, plastic and bicycle tubes!

RUG SOLID understands that healing the world of the damage we've caused cannot be solved quickly but it is those little steps towards that goal that counts.  As well as using recycled materials, their shipping method is carbon neutral and they employ the use of dimmers in their production warehouses to adjust to sunlight strength. RUG SOLID also closely monitors their production process to ensure safety for the planet and for those creating their designs. 

I love the use of material that is unconventional while still being able to obtain a minimalist and modern design aesthetic. Purchasing from RUG SOLID is definitely a purchase you can feel good about. I can't wait to see what they come up with next!

All images courtesy of the RUG SOLID Instagram account. 



