Delayed Gratification

Delayed Gratification is a fantastic independent publication that is fighting the good fight when it comes to getting news to people.
DG focuses on thorough, honest journalism that isn’t fixated on being first but being correct. They work with journalist that are close to stories that have spend numerous hours researching and following stories to bring accurate, cohesive information to people.
Today’s journalism is plagued with speed. Accuracy is not at the forefront and once a story begins to die down, popular news sources move on to the next big topic.
Delayed Gratification follow through on stories to make sure that as much information is shared as possible. They also strive to share stories that many wouldn’t normally share.
My read through Delayed Gratification was informative and inspiring . Their infographics are beautiful and it was great to see that it was completely full of stories, no adds graced their pages. I highly recommend Delayed Gratification to anyone wanting to read actual news and support people who are trying to better the way we inform ourselves. .
All images are my own.